Welcome to my new blog, i’ll be posting my experiences with my latest gadget, an Asus EEE.
I’ve recently purchased an EEE701 4GB model in black, i’ve upgraded the RAM to 2GB from the stock 512MB. I used a stick of 2GB Kingston DDR2 667mhz SODIMM, and also purchased a Kingston Class6 8GB SDHC memory card.
After upgrading the RAM, the first thing I did was remove the default Xandros based distro and installed a copy of Ubuntu 7.10.
So far the following sites have guided me along my way;
Ubuntu EEE Help Page
EEE User Forum
As i find more useful sites and tidbits of info, i’ll post them here.
I think I can hear an Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime calling you… and I’m considering saving up myself!